- DNA萃取與純化
- RNA萃取與純化
- 蛋白質萃取與純化
- Exosomes 外泌體相關試劑
- PCR商品
- Western Blot
- Antibotic
- Cloning 相關商品
- 細菌培養
- BioTnA-化學染色試劑
- BioTnA-免疫染色試劑
Thermo Scientific™
- Environmental Sampling Vials and Closures (Critical environment products)
- 2D Bardcode 存儲管系列
- Nunc / Abgene™ 96孔盤/深孔盤/封膜機
- GA 標籤
- Nalgene Bottle
- Nalgene 三角錐瓶-Erlenmeyer Flasks
- 冷凍儲存系列產品
- Nalgene 離心管/離心瓶
- ELISA 酵素免疫分析盤
- Nunc™ 無菌刻度吸管_尖底離心管
- IVF 體外受孕系列產品
- Nalgene™ 過濾杯/過濾杯組
細胞培養 Cell Culture
- Nunc™ EasYFlask™ Flasks_細胞培養瓶
- Nunc™ EasYDish_細胞培養皿
- Nunc™ Assays Dishes / Multidishes_細胞培養多孔盤
- Nunc™ T300 Flask_細胞培養瓶
- Nunc™ TripleFlask_細胞培養瓶
- Nunc™ Lab-Tek / Lab-Tek II Chamber Slide_細胞培養玻片
- Nunclon™ Sphera 懸浮細胞培養瓶
- Nunc™ UpCell™ Surface
- Nunc™ Square BioAssay Dishes_方形細胞培養皿
- Nunc™ Cell Factory™ Systems_細胞工廠
- Cell Culture Inserts
- Nalgene 洗滌瓶_Wash Bottle
- Nalgene Jars 廣口罐/梅森瓶
- Nalgene Carboy
- Detergent/Reagent
- Nalgene 吸水墊/Tubing/其他產品
- 基礎理化儀器
- ServiceBio 儀器總覽
- ServiceBio 耗材總覽
- Servicebio 試劑總覽
- Servciebio 病理相關試劑
- Servicebio 細胞治療相關商品
- Servicebio 生物科技工業原料/酶
- 禾聯家電
- 會員點數兌換專區
- Labobanker 細胞凍液
125mL透明試劑瓶(無菌無酶 圓肩)PET-125-YT-J
- 折扣價:NT$
- 售價:NT$
- 定價:NT$
- 使用紅利點數:點
Our reagent bottle is produced in a 100,000 class clean workshop and made of high-quality PET material. The bottle has high transparency and excellent workmanship, and can resist many organic reagents, which is suitable for storage or transportation of reagents, etc. It is especially suitable for the production and storage of cell culture medium, cell serum, sterile buffer and other reagents.
Main Parameters
Reagent bottle material: PET
Standard volume of reagent bottle: 125 mL
Reagent bottle net weight (including cap): about 46 g
Reagent bottle dimensions (W*L*H): 53*53*108 (mm)
Inner diameter of reagent bottle mouth: 28 mm
Reagent bottle mouth design: external thread mouth
Pressure resistance value: can withstand 4kg/square centimeter pressure
Sterilization method: irradiation sterilization
Additional Information: RNase & DNase Free, Pyrogen Free (Endotoxin Free)
Batch code: see the outer carton
Recommended operating temperature: -80 °C to 60 °C
Maximum volume: 175 mL
Storage and Transportation
Store and transport at room temperature.
The above maximum volume value is only the test value in the open state. It will spill during actual use, and after freezing, the liquid volume will increase, and the bottle is at risk of breakage! It is not recommended to use more than the recommended bottle size (125 mL).
• 高品質PET(聚對苯二甲酸乙二醇酯樹脂)材質,做工優良,瓶身透明度高;
• 使用於細胞培養基、細胞血清、無菌緩衝液等試劑的生產儲存,也可用於日用,如礦泉水瓶;
• 材料使用温度: -80 ℃ ~60 ℃,不可高温高压使用,耐輻照;
• 1000 mL,耐受壓力3.5 kg/cm²,125毫升,250毫升,500mL耐受壓力4 kg/cm²。
• 不同場景,顏色可選。
• 培養基,血清等生產廠家;
• 科研試劑生產等工業客戶;
- 折扣價:NT$
- 售價:NT$
- 定價:NT$